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HTF Funded Affordable Housing Moves Forward

Former Santa Barbara mayor Helene Schneider and crowd cutting ribbon at ceremony

We are pleased to see the fruition of affordable housing developments that have received funding from the HTF Revolving Loan Fund. Construction of the 12-unit Canon Perdido Condominium self-help homeownership project sponsored by Habitat for Humanity of Southern Santa Barbara County was completed in 2014, and an opening ceremony was held to honor the proud new owner-builders of the homes. HTF provided a $750,000 construction loan for the project. In April the 43-unit Casa de Las Flores affordable rental project in Carpinteria sponsored by Peoples’ Self-Help Housing Corporation broke ground and construction is currently under way. HTF provided $430,000 in financing for the project that will be used during construction and rolled over into the permanent financing for the project. PSHHC also completed site improvement work for the 5-unit Los Alamos Homes self-help homeownership project in Los Alamos, using a $271,000 loan from HTF. We applaud the tremendous hard work and dedication of our community housing sponsors and are proud to play a role in helping them move their affordable projects forward to completion.




Jennifer McGovern
President and CEO
(805) 685-1949


Yvette Lounsbury
Homebuyer Loan Administrator
(805) 845-3585

© 2021 Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County


Housing Trust Fund
of Santa Barbara County
P. O. Box 60909
Santa Barbara, CA 93160-0909

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